Productivity Category

SponsorBlock for YouTube 5.5.4

SponsorBlock for YouTube 5.5.4

SponsorBlock lets you skip over sponsors, intros, outros, subscription reminders, and other annoying parts of YouTube videos. SponsorBlock is a crowdsourced browser extension that let's anyone submit the start and end time's of sponsored segments and other segments of...

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Dato 5.2.0

Dato 5.2.0

Dato gives you a local clock, date, and multiple world clocks in the menu bar. When you click Dato in the menu bar, you get a menu with a calendar, calendar events, and world clocks. All of this is highly customizable. Dato also comes with some macOS 11 widgets....

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File List Export 2.9.0

File List Export 2.9.0

File List Export 2.9.0 An easy to use application that will help you create list of files for any need. List all your photos, all your videos or all your files. If you need to create list of files this app is for you. New version with 26 more metadata columns and...

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uDock 4.1.1

uDock 4.1.1

μDock is a lightweight system extension for your Mac. Working in the system toolbar it is almost invisible and always ready when you need it. Use a keyboard shortcut or mouse hotspot to activate μDock. Running processes and all your drives are easily accessible. Add...

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OmniGraffle Pro 7.22.5

OmniGraffle Pro 7.22.5

OmniGraffle Pro helps you draw beautiful diagrams, family trees, flow charts, org charts, layouts, and (mathematically speaking) any other directed or non-directed graphs. We've had people use Graffle to plan plotlines for a story, make an overview of an operating...

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Recent news in this category

SponsorBlock for YouTube 5.5.4

SponsorBlock for YouTube 5.5.4

SponsorBlock lets you skip over sponsors, intros, outros, subscription reminders, and other annoying parts of YouTube videos. SponsorBlock is a crowdsourced browser extension that let's anyone submit the start and end time's of sponsored segments and other segments of...

Dato 5.2.0

Dato 5.2.0

Dato gives you a local clock, date, and multiple world clocks in the menu bar. When you click Dato in the menu bar, you get a menu with a calendar, calendar events, and world clocks. All of this is highly customizable. Dato also comes with some macOS 11 widgets....

File List Export 2.9.0

File List Export 2.9.0

File List Export 2.9.0 An easy to use application that will help you create list of files for any need. List all your photos, all your videos or all your files. If you need to create list of files this app is for you. New version with 26 more metadata columns and...

uDock 4.1.1

uDock 4.1.1

μDock is a lightweight system extension for your Mac. Working in the system toolbar it is almost invisible and always ready when you need it. Use a keyboard shortcut or mouse hotspot to activate μDock. Running processes and all your drives are easily accessible. Add...

OmniGraffle Pro 7.22.5

OmniGraffle Pro 7.22.5

OmniGraffle Pro helps you draw beautiful diagrams, family trees, flow charts, org charts, layouts, and (mathematically speaking) any other directed or non-directed graphs. We've had people use Graffle to plan plotlines for a story, make an overview of an operating...