Tower 10.3

Published: Jan 26, 2024

Tower is a Git client for macOS that makes using Git easy and more efficient. Users benefit from its elegant and comprehensive interface and a feature set that lets them enjoy the full power of Git.

Tower abstracts Git’s complexity in an easy-to-use interface. For example, lots of actions can be performed simply via drag-and-drop, and mistakes can be undone easily. Advanced users can increase their productivity with features like single line staging, submodule support, or the file history.


git-svn support
File history
git-flow support
Submodule support
git-lfs support
Blame view
Single-line staging (per-line committing)
Discard chunks/lines
Direct Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, GitSwarm, Beanstalk, Visual Studio Team Services, Team Foundation Server and Rhodecode integration
Support for Bitbucket team accounts
Support for full-screen and Retina displays
Many powerful drag-and-drop features include merge, rebase, push /pull to/from remote, apply stash, create new branch, etc.
What’s New:

Version 10.3:


Environment settings: In addition to adding custom environment variables, environment variables from the login shell are now also automatically added when running Git commands. This should make hook scripts work without additional configuration.

Branches: Deleting a branch with unmerged changes will now trigger the “Delete Anyway?” confirmation dialog again that is supposed to appear if the “Force Delete” option was not set.
Diffs: If a diff is hidden behind a “Large Diff Warning”, syntax coloring will only be triggered if the user decides to actually show the diff.
Syntax highlighting: Improved memory management
Merge tool: Show error dialogue when merge tool fails to open
About panel: We gave the About panel a new, modern look. The version string is now selectable, too!
Settings: We have moved the Appearance selection into its own “Appearance” tab to free up space in the “General” tab.

Syntax highlighting: Showing diffs for deleted files could fail or crash in some cases. This has been fixed.
Syntax highlighting: Deleted files are now highlighted properly.
Terminal integration: “Open in Terminal” now works if there is no visible Terminal window open.
Environment variables: Removed values from environment are now being deleted
Environment variables: “GITEDITOR” and “GITSEQUENCE_EDITOR” are now ignored if they are set by the user
Tower CLI: Opening Tower with a path from the command line would not open the repository, only the Bookmarks view.
History: Showing the “no selection” view when no commit was selected was broken.
Commit Composing: The commit message draft was not properly saved/restored in certain cases.
Git remote URLs: HTTP URLs containing an unencoded @ character in the username part of the URL could not be read on macOS 14 Sonoma.

Title: Tower 10.3
Developer: fournova Software GmbH
Compatibility: macOS 10.15 or later
Language: English
Includes: K
Size: 66.95 MB


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